Saturday, September 11, 2010


I love Saturdays. I love that first moment, lying in bed, with the press and promise of the day on me. I love staying there -taking as much time as I want to think about anything I want. Some Saturdays, like today, I love creeping downstairs before the sun comes up, making myself a hot drink, and curling up on the couch to check my email or watch TV shows. I love it when Dave comes down and joins me. We are both pajamaed and wearing silly-happy grins upon seeing each other. "...well, hello there Dave. Care to join me for a session of channel surfing? Wait, I have a wonderful idea. Why don't we spend the entire day -yes, you heard right- the entire day together? And how 'bout this? -We'll pretty much do whatever we want." I think this just might be the pinnacle of marital bliss.


  1. Sounds awesome! Enjoy it while you can! Once you have kids you won't get the experience for another 20 years!

  2. Ain't that the truth. I guess the pinnacle of marital bliss isn't getting woken up when your three year old jumps on you in bed screaming "I want BREAKTAS!"
