Friday, March 25, 2011

13 Weeks

The word is out! We are expecting a baby! The due date is oct. 8. We were able to see the baby on an ultrasound at the doctor's yesterday, which was pretty amazing. It's little hands were up by it's head, and it moved around like it was hiccuping or something.

I cant say how happy I am to finally be at this point, as the weeks have been passing painfully slowly. If you've wondered why I haven't blogged in the past couple of months, the answer is that I really haven't done much of anything -besides go to work and sleep- since Jan. (Morning/evening sickness is no good. blah.)

We are both excited (Dave is very excited) and both trying to wrap our minds around this new major development in our lives (especially me). So this is it. Our greatest adventure. Here we come. :)

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