Tuesday, October 5, 2010


I have fallen in love with houseplants. It must have started when I got the idea to create my own mini cactus garden. I got a few books from the library and off I went. It makes me happy to come home and check on my plants. I like taking care of them and worrying about them (I guess it's kind of a sad substitute for not having a dog or a baby in that way). Some of my plants right now include: mums, desert rose, various cacti, philodendron, dracena, a bromelaid, geraniums, hibiscus, two orchids, and a struggling gardenia. There have been some casualties along the way including, but not necessarily limited to: hydrangea, sonic impatients, desert violet thing, and begonias. The question on Dave's mind: "Will she ever stop buying houseplants?" Only time will tell, but, for now, I sure hope not.


  1. Until you have a baby and kill all of the plants. I murdered two strawberry plants this summer. Their corpses are still on my back porch. This is Jennie. I don't know how to make this not insist I am jhyatt.

  2. That red thing's pretty awesome.

  3. Do you know of any small footprint, jungley-looking plans that can survive without water for 2 weeks?

  4. Jj: I believe it; Just since I started work it's been hard keeping some of my stuff alive -not to mention going on trips. Ang: The red thing's a bromeliads(bromeliaceae) -same family as the pineapple. Bri: I know succulents and cacti can survive that long. Maybe a jade plant? or Christmas cactus?
