Friday, October 8, 2010


Doesn't it seem like if you could just keep track of all your summers -of where they've taken you from one year to the next- you'd have a pretty good sense of your life's history? Maybe that's why I like to play this game with myself: "What was I doing at about this same time last year? And the year before that? And the year before that?..."
Once, I read a book about a girl who'd been in a motorcycle accident and had a brain injury that made it so she couldn't remember the events of her life from one day to the next -let alone from one year to the next- and how hard that would be to just float through time and space with no "landmarks" to anchor you. Maybe it's sort of like that.

Summer 2010: A busy summer; Summer of buying our condo in Logan, of going to Germany, of working in the preschool at Mountainside Elementary. Houseplants and family vacations (Mount Rushmore, Jackson Hole...)

Summer 2009: A very happy summer; Summer of being newlywed, of Wymount (married student BYU housing), of collecting data for my thesis. Riding my red cruiser bike all around campus, wanting to cook all the time, late nights in the computer lab with Dave. 4th of July in St. George, hiking with Dave's family... Then, Dave moved to Logan in July to start working at SDL (Space Dynamics Lab); I finished up some stuff for my thesis and followed him there in August.

Summer 2008: Another very happy summer; summer of falling completely in love(I met Dave in April), of an absolutely lovely summer term at BYU, of living in Aracadia Apts. with Becky, Katie, Natalie, and Staycee. Started an internship in St. George at a skilled nursing facility in July. Being exhausted from the work. Spending the evenings with family, talking with Dave on the phone every night. Santa Fe road trip with mom and dad, camping with Erica.

Summer 2007: A harder summer; Summer I graduated from Utah State and started graduate school at BYU. A lonely summer, living on Condo Row, half-way dating a guy named Jason for a couple of months. So excited to come home in July as soon as the term was over. And then, things miraculously go oh-so-much better the day Becky called up and said, "hey, I'm moving back to Provo this fall. Want to be my roommate?" A dream come true. Visiting Brian and Karene in El Segudno with mom. Visiting Angie... Mesa Verde/Capitol Reef/Bryce road trip with mom and dad. Dean Hansen family reunion in Colorado???

Summer 2006: Wonderful, carefree summer of play; Summer of Darwin Avenue fun -livin' it up in "Grey Brick # 4" with my completely lovable, flirtatious roommate, Ruth., who dragged me along on all of her adventures -sleeping on the lawn, making a movie, visiting random boys who lived up the street... Summer school at Utah State and Andy Anderson's anatomy, studying with friends in the ward. During the first half of the summer (before summer school started), Calico camping trip, visiting Brian's family in CA, and then flew to Angie's in Vegas where I met up with mom and dad and we left on our American History tour back east.

Summer 2005: Seems surreal looking back on it. Summer I moved to Logan with Cami. Our apartment off 7th north, our stinky DI couch, hot afternoons lying under the ceiling fan and eating endless otter pops, job hunting, taking the bus up to campus to take notes for the DRC (Disability Resource Center). And then, starting some time in June or July, dating Brock almost every evening. At the end of the summer, moving into some student housing and getting ready to start my first semester that fall at Utah State.

Summer 2004: I don't have many pictures from this summer (at least not digital), but it was a memorable one. My freshman summer at Dixie, and I was such a freshman -enjoying my money, car, classes, friends, freedom, almost urgently trying to fit in as much fun as possible. The summer Cami and I were inseparable. When I wasn't working at La De Da Homestore, we were generally off on an adventure with David Hilton, working on our "evil mastermind/vampire" movie. Late nights talking in the Frostop parking lot with Cami, David, Kassie, and JD. I'm sure I went on family trips, maybe Colorado Springs? It's getting pretty hard to remember this far back.

Summer 2003: Summer I graduated from High School, spending lots of time with Becky and other "lunch group" and high school friends. Freshman orientation at Dixie State, starting to work at La De Da late that summer/fall. Brian got married in August. And this is really about as far back as I can go without doing some serious delving, as things are starting to get pretty jumbled up and foggy.

1 comment:

  1. Disappointed. I thought you were gonna take me back to your fist summer. :)
