Friday, November 5, 2010

Preschool Moment - "Button, Button"

This week was all about toys, teddy bears and buttons since the book was "Corduroy" by Don Freeman. So yesterday, we played "button, button, who's got the button" with our preschoolers to work on asking questions to peers, increasing sentence length, and answering yes/no questions. (I actually have this memory of being like 4- or 5-years-old and playing "button, button" for a family home evening activity and thinking it was the like best thing ever.) It's funny watching our preschool kids try to figure out simple games like this one -many of them are still confused about who should be closing their eyes when, not peeking, and this whole concept of "keeping it a secret." It was fun to watch as some of the kids caught on to the idea of tricking the other child by making it look like they were holding the button, but, for most of our kiddos, deception is still a pretty foreign thing (also, it was usually painfully obvious to the teachers who had the button, but the kids generally missed these "subtle" clues). Some of the kids could hardly handle the suspense of having the button, and would throw it out of their hands before the other child even had a chance to ask them, which was pretty hilarious. It was also something to play this game with several kiddos who struggle to correctly answer yes/no questions, since the crux of the game is being able to answer a simple yes/no question ("Do you have the button?"). So here's the preschool moment: A darling little blonde waif of a girl who had not yet figured out yes/no questions (her language skills were very delayed)  -but who wanted to participate, had a lot to say, and was very emphatic about it, holding out her empty hands and with a big smile on her face, nodding her head and saying, "yes! button!"

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