Friday, April 6, 2012

The Stuff of Parenthood: The Best Part

I'm going in a new direction with my blog. It will be les about what we've done this year (I want to make photo books for that) and more about my thoughts on stuff. All kinds of stuff. Not surprisingly, a lot of that stuff lately involves parenthood.

I should have made this post way back in November when my friend, Becky, asked me what was the best part about being a mom. I'd probably been complaining about something at the time (she has this endearing yet aggravating way of trying to steer the conversation in a more positive direction), and I, in my vast two months of experience, had a hard time coming up with an answer. I think I said cuddling and holding your baby. Yes, cuddling is great. But it's only part of the bigger picture. The best part? The best part is getting to know your baby - all of his wonderful little ways. And then, watching as he gets to know you. The first time he follows you around the room with his gaze. The first time he smiles when he sees your face -and all the smiles after that. It's the bonding. It's the way your heart grows.

This is a stanza from a poem my brother, Brian, wrote for my wedding. (Dave and I were married on May 1st, btw):

" length 'twill raise your orbits to enclose
little laughs and tiny toes
you'll wonder how a heart thus grows
or if yours may be the first"

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